Recently, Nathan finally found himself catapulted into the journey of a life coach... spurred on by sorrow and trials. There was no turning back for this man. He, like many others, had settled for status quo. But when the ship started rocking too heavily, rather than falling out he stepped out on the rail to a hold of something greater than mediocrity.
With a heart of gratitude and love, Nathan serves his clients and coaches them to also lay hold of a future that is bright and full of hope. Some of Nathan’s most powerful tools are forgiveness, gratitude, laughter, singing, and inquisition to change perspective. In the face of a crummy day, you will always hear Nathan framing a positive: “What are 3 things that are beautiful about this situation?"
Living a HELL YES kind of life
Learning to thrive and not just survive.
I was a defeated divorced man trying to give the illusion that everything was OK, but really, I was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. I desperately wanted to move past the demons that held me back, so I wouldn't lose my few remaining friends and my job.
I wanted to be able to take pleasure in life, so I could be free to live a life I could say HELL YES to.
The thing is -- I was stuck. I wasn’t able to take pleasure in life, let alone be free to live a life I could say HELL YES to.
To make things worse, I felt terrible; I was oblivious to anything good and fixated on everything bad. I thought this was my new normal, that life would always be like this… I felt like I was worthless.
The problem was that with every day passing day, the depths of despair became greater. I was deciding between life and death, even considering suicide.
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...
That's when I learned life happens for me, not to me, so why not set it up to win. From then on it was all about healing from divorce and setting life up for a win.
It was now crystal clear how to change myself so that the world around me would change too, because I recognized that I didn't have to continue down the path of hopelessness.
I learned that I wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life in a pit of despair; you need to know there is help and hope for you too.
As a result, I worked on myself harder than anything I had ever done.
After I put in the work, I started to get excited about life again.
Suddenly, I was thrilled to get out of bed in the morning.
That’s when I realized that the secret to healing from the depths of despair and having a life I could be excited about was to leverage these actions to create massive positive change.
My plan was to start writing down the things I was doing in detail so that I could repeat the steps.
So, I started teaching the steps to other people and saw them get the same results. But I didn’t stop there.
I then created and sold a program for others who were divorced and wanted relief from the past.
After that, I transitioned to online groups so that I could reach men and women all over the US.
But there was still a problem...
Even after all that, things were still not quite right. I was enjoying life and living full out, doing things that really got me jazzed and pumped up on life. Others around me were finally happy and free from the ghosts that used to continually torment them. We all were doing amazing, except... very few of us were dating again with success.
I ended up getting so frustrated that I decided to tweak the program so that people would not only live a life they could say HELL YES to but would also have relationships they could say HELL YES to.
I thought if I could create something that would make it possible to heal from divorce and enable successful, healthy relationships, we’d all be really happy.
After studying, reading hundreds of books, and sitting in seminars, I figured out what worked, and I created Roadmap to Redemption.
I now teach the steps necessary to move past divorce and heal.
I then started to let other walking wounded use Roadmap to Redemption.
As a result of all this the following were achieved:
Within a few short months people are going from a place of massive pain, as a result of their relationship ending, and moving towards a place where they have love, passion, and enjoyment in a new relationship. Where dating can be fun again. The pit of despair they were experiencing because of divorce is a thing of the past and life is now beautiful.
After creating Roadmap to Redemption, I was not only excited for life and actually able to say HELL YES, I get to do this, I’ve also been able to stop letting the past pull me into despair. I now have the tools and techniques necessary to leave the past behind.
And in the end, all of this means I’m now able to have a life I get to say HELL YES to, HELL YES, I GET TO LIVE THIS LIFE!